Saturday, May 24, 2014

Story Time....
and showing off my vintage souvenir locket assemblage!

As I said in my last post, I have been busy making some pieces for hubby's store. I guess I should call it our store now, since I am getting so many of my pieces in it :)) Anyway... I thought I would show off one of the necklaces I have done recently. If you click on the thumb.. it will take you to some much better pictures.

I have really enjoyed making these pieces, it is just so relaxing for me. I thought I would give you a glimpse into my creative process. Now I am no writer, however I can just sit there for hours in my own little world and make up my corny stories... something I have really not told any one :)) It seems that when I do this, things just flow together... like they belong together. I don't get stuck on what should I add here or what colors to go with...So I thought I would share a condensed version of one... here goes...

Somewhere in England during the dark ages a carriage makes its way down a bumpy dirt road carrying a lovely young lady to visit her dear aunt in the neighboring castle. Suddenly a group of bandits appear stopping the carriage and over taking the driver and its guard. They kidnap the young lady to hold her for ransom and during the struggle the necklaces she wears are broken and fall to the ground... 

She is later rescued by Robin Hood and returned to her home.... but that is another necklace :)) Can you tell I was a big fan of BBC's Robin Hood? at least until they killed of Marian... I really lost interest after that.

So on with the story... along comes a little peasant girl who had been in the forest all day gathering mushrooms and berries for dinner that night. She finds the broken necklaces on the ground and gathers up all the pieces. Later that night she assembles them all together creating a lovely necklace and presents it to her dying mother. Her mother is so pleased and tells her daughter that she knows in her heart that she is going to become a wonderful woman. She implores her not to be satisfied with her station in life. To always strive to better herself. 

After her mothers death, the young girl wakes up before dawn every day and goes out into the forest gathering mushrooms, berries and wild flowers. She then spends her evenings in the little village selling them, saving her money in hopes of attending the boarding school for young ladies in the city. 
One day while out in the forest she encounters non other than Robin Hood :)) He asks her why she is out so deep in the woods and she tells him of her mother and her hopes to go to school someday. 

Well that is just not something Robin Hood could let pass so a few days later he shows up at the little girls cottage. He gives her a trunk of clothing.... that he had liberated from some rich passer by and a pouch of gold coins... enough for her to go to school. The little girl is thrilled.

Then in all her newly acquired finery she makes her way to the city where she enrolls in the school for young ladies, carefully watching the other girls and mimicking there mannerisms. She learns quickly and begins to make friends and to be a lady. Soon one of her friend notices her necklace and convinces her to create one for her. Using the girls jewelry she makes an elegant and unique pendant for her. All of the other girls began to notice and soon were coming to her to create one for them. 

When spring break came her close friend told her that her mother had seen her necklace and hoped she would come visit during there break and put together some things for her. The girl did and while there met a handsome young gentleman. Over time they corresponded, met on occasion (dated) then he asks her to marry him and they live happily ever after. 

Ok... really corny story but I like it and it helps me focus on my work :)) 

1 comment:

  1. Great story Inka and a beautiful necklace. Post more of them along with new pieces of your jewelry.

