And the winner is .....
Angie in AZ from Artvisionz 
I have two ... count um two prizes to give away ...
and I might just be adding more as we go!
Click on the badge below to find a whole list of giveaways too!
Just hang on to the edge of that magic carpet and have a wonderful ride!
First up.. I have a little terrarium necklace. The little chain hangs on a black cord necklace but it is cut off in the picture. The bottle section of this measures just over an inch high... so it is tiny ... and yes it will stay alive in there. I have had this one hanging here in my office for about two months. I did have to figure out the secret for keeping them alive but that will be passed on to the winner :) The little charm says "Create" and I just thought that was appropriate for this fun little blog party.
I also have a selection of unmounted rubber. They were generously donated by Scroll Works Rubber Stamps my DIL little online store. Also visit her blog as she is running a blog candy giveaway too ... so leave a comment and you could walk away with one of these great prizes!
Leave a comment to win and don't forget a contact email or link so I can notify the winner :)
I am working my way down the list as well so if I haven't been to your blog yet ... I will get there :))